Plaster and resin luchador busts
My modest collection of 4″ wall busts, some signed even.
We’ve always celebrated the kinship – both visual and spiritual – between Mexican masked wrestler superheroes and Italian masked anti-heroes and super-thieves. Lee Faulk’s The Phantom was the pre-historic nexus of these two 60’s multi-media offshoot species. Characters like SuperArgo … Continued
Custom Momias de Guanajuato toys
There’s an action figure customizer in Mexico called El Diablo Toys doing some great toys of obscure ring stars of the past and classic movie characters. I’m particularly enamored of these bag figures turned into masked men and monsters from … Continued
Arm wrestle an enmascarado!
FPU contributor David Buscemi snapped these pics of an arcade strength tester on a trip to San Francisco a few years back. At some point the machine had been given a Dos Caras/Masked Superstar makeover! The 70s sideburns on this … Continued
Do yourselves a favor and pick-up J. Gonzo‘s La Mano del Destino, from Castle & Key. For its dynamic layouts, genuine love of lucha libre, attention to costuming detail and mask design, and a unique color palate that evokes old … Continued
Tijuana postcards
These poorly shot and even more poorly reproduced postcard-like souvenir photos ( = awesome) are sold by blanket vendors outside the Auditorio de Tijuana, where most of these seem to have been shot. I’ve collected a lot of these over … Continued
Bag Figures
Our previous website had a huge photo gallery of the greatest of lucha libre collectibles – the ‘bag figure.’ Remolded and re-remolded endless times from who knows when, sold in bags of 6, 8, 10, or 12, vaguely (at best) … Continued