While putting together the latest book, I realized twenty pages could have been dedicated to the horror institution that is “El Monje Loco” — part Cryptkeeper, part Zacherley, star of radio, newspaper strips, comic books, film and TV going on seven decades. Alas, I didn’t have those pages, so here’s some of what would have appeared:
I discussed the character briefly in reviewing the 1973 Agrasanches-produced Mil Mascaras and Tinieblas vehicle Leyendas Macabras de la Colonia in Zombi Mexicano, but I’ve never been clear if the character is an immortal undead, a ghost, a disfigured human or what.

The comic books, however, were rife with outright zombie imagery, shambling corpses, grave poppers, vengeful victims and more.

Particularly striking were the painted covers from Tradiciones y Leyendas de la Colonia, the other series that ‘inspired’ the ’73 film. These are positively stunning…
This one, however, is my favorite:
That coffin-burster could be the twin brother of my favorite zombie ever, the jaw-dropping skeletal screamer from the end of Return of the Living Dead.
See a lot more of these covers at the superb (and often gross!) Spanish-language site El Blog de la Muerte.