
posted in: Lucha Movies | 0

We’ve always celebrated the kinship – both visual and spiritual – between Mexican masked wrestler superheroes and Italian masked anti-heroes and super-thieves. Lee Faulk’s The Phantom was the pre-historic nexus of these two 60’s multi-media offshoot species. Characters like SuperArgo … Continued

Tijuana postcards

posted in: Vintage Ring | 0

These poorly shot and even more poorly reproduced postcard-like souvenir photos ( = awesome) are sold by blanket vendors outside the Auditorio de Tijuana, where most of these seem to have been shot. I’ve collected a lot of these over … Continued

Bag Figures

posted in: Toys & Merch | 0

Our previous website had a huge photo gallery of the greatest of lucha libre collectibles – the ‘bag figure.’ Remolded and re-remolded endless times from who knows when, sold in bags of 6, 8, 10, or 12, vaguely (at best) … Continued