I’ll be presenting a brand new visual presentation called “Masks and Monsters of Mexican Golden Age Comics” as part of the virtual Latino Comics Expo Worldwide on Friday, September 18.
Subtitled “And the Mystery of Their Modern Obscurity” — it’s a loaded visual journey through the relationship of El Santo and comic publisher Jose G. Cruz, the innovative “fotomontaje” process that created million-selling comics in the 1950s, and wrapping up with some tough questions as to why these have never been reprinted or translated for different worldwide markets.
See it “live” with intro and post-Q&A, absolutely free, Friday at 7:00 PDT

Presented by Hyundai
Additional Support provided by San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, Josephine S. Gumbiner Foundation, Robert Gumbiner Foundation, City of Long Beach, Arts Council of Long Beach
LatinoComicsExpo #MOLAA #MolaaEnCasa #LCXWorldwide #LCX2020 @molaaart